Hi girls 🌺🌺🌺. Nice to meet you 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻. Here is all information for 60 days tourist girls. Please read , understand & explain all information to your tourist girls. I take girls from any countries in Europe, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova etc. Around what date do you want to come? U need make your own visa. Make visa around 14 days before date want to come to Singapore. Find which good visa company , embassy or good travel agency that can do Singapore visa in your country. DO NOT DO VISA FROM ONLINE WEBSITE. In visa application, Write date come to Singapore 3 weeks date from date u apply visa & stay in Singapore for around 10 days date. Write stay in hotel. When u get visa, u can come any date earlier. Most important is that your photo visa must be very good & clear for apply visa✈✈✈. Buy your airtickets first & i pay u back airtickets money USD$600 on your last day 59 days. If u work just 30 days, then will pay u half tickets money USD$300. U need buy cheap tickets to another country after Singapore 5-8 days to Bali, Thailand Phuket or Malaysia Kuala Lumpur 5- 8 days. U need this tickets to write in immigration white card to show that u going to another country 5-8 days after Singapore. U can ch0eck Airasia, Jetstar or Tigerair for cheap tickets. Also make make hotel reservation that u stay in hotel in Singapore, print & after cancel hotel reservation. Then write in immigration card this hotel reservation hotel name & address. When u ready to come Let me know & i will write u apartment address. Come as tourist with tourist visa for 60 days. We will pay USD$600 for airtickets and apartment is free. All Girls must come to apartment from airport by taxi by themselves. Its very easy. Just take taxi to apartment from airport. There is a free bus to take you to work and back to apartment but maybe sometimes dont have bus service. If sometimes no bus driver then no bus service. Then u girls must take your own taxi to club & back to apartment. 1 small simple studio apartment is for 6 gals. Apartment is very simple & is just good for rest & sleep. USD$500 for 30 days. MUST for 60 days. 6 days off in 60 days for tourist visa girls. Dance on pole simple freestyle dancing 30mins 5x a nite. Work time 9pm to 6am everynite. NO topless and no private dancing. If you are sitting drinking with customers then you dont need to dance. Remember MUST be friendly go to customers and important must drink alcohol or cocktail with customers for your ladies drink money. Drinks money,1 small drink girls get SGD$5 ( 1 point ), ,1 Cosmo cocktail girls get SGD$10 ( 2 points ). 1 cocktail Cinderalla girls get SGD$20 ( 4 points ) 1bottle champagne & 1 bottle red wine girls get SGD$50 ( 10 Points ). 1 bottle Malibu, Baileys ( cost SGD$400) girls get SGD$100 ( 20 Points ). Every 1 Point is SGD$5. U need get 250 points in every 30 days then u get full salary usd $500 for that 30 days. If u get less than 250 points in any 30 days, then your salary will be half USD$250. Dont worry most girls who know how to work get 250-800points every 30 days..Drink money will get once a week little by little. On last day you will get all balance drink money & your dance money USD$1000 for 60 days & your airtickets money USD$600 ( 60 days ). When u come Singapore, u will get 30 days visit stamp. Then after u in Singapore around 15 days later, i will apply by online another 30 days extention.If u do not get another 30 days more extention Visit Pass, then will pay u half of airtickets USD$300, your salary 30 days & all your balance drink money. For coming as tourist 60 days with tourist visa, I take gals any age as long look beautiful and sexy. 30 days is USD$500. Must for minimum 60 days. For tourist visa try bring show money or credit card with enough money inside card becoz immigration sometimes asking you to show money for your holidays in Singapore. Bring more money or credit card its better. Dont worry. Its only sometimes immigration asking questions but must know how to answer if immigration ask questions. Звоните на следующие номера телефонов: +7-987-044-76-43 - WhatsApp +7-917-781-05-07 - tel. Агентство "HostessDance".

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